Ep. 320 Todd Neiss, Veteran and Bigfoot Researcher

Join me as I speak with Todd Neiss about his experiences and research. As well as his incredible first sighting that launched him on a life-long mission to prove this mystery we call bigfoot. Bigfoot witness-turned-researcher, Todd M. Neiss has been an active investigator for over 28 years. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up hearing of these legendary creatures, alternately known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but gave it little credibility beyond that of a good old-fashioned campfire tale designed to frighten young campers. All of that changed for Todd in the spring of 1993.

Since that fateful day, Neiss has conducted numerous investigations including several long-term expeditions in the Coastal, Cascade and Blue Mountain Ranges of Oregon & Washington, as well as Northern California, Arizona, Alaska, Nebraska and British Columbia. Todd believes that, in the tradition of Jane Goodall, Biruté Galdikas and Diane Fossey, the best way to obtain credible evidence of the existence of these fascinating beings is to insert a small research team into the heart of prime Bigfoot habitat for an extended period of time; ideally for 45 to 60-day rotations. In doing so, he hopes to acclimatize the creatures to their presence and eventually overcome their inherent apprehension of humans. Neiss co-founded the American Primate Conservancy with his wife, Diane Stocking Neiss five years ago.

The conservancy was granted a “Domestic Non-Profit Corporation” status by the state of Oregon On October 15, 2015. Their primary mission is “the discovery, knowledge, research, recognition, and protection of the Sasquatch.” The organization has been quietly organizing expeditions, conducting investigations, and participating in multi-media and public speaking engagements in an effort to promote their agenda. They have been actively pursuing grants, donations, sponsorships and volunteers for ongoing research projects. Todd and his wife currently live near Mount Hood, 50 miles east of Portland, Oregon. Nestled in the beautiful Cascaded Mountains, the “Chateau de Squatch” is in an ideal location for which to conduct their research and serves as the temporary headquarters for the conservancy.

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