S2024: EP 40 – Todd Neiss

Sasquatch Watch Radio welcome Todd Neiss to the show! Bigfoot witness-turned-researcher, Todd Neiss has been an active investigator for over 30 years. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up hearing of these legendary creatures, alternately known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch, but gave it little credibility beyond that of an urban legend or just a good old-fashioned campfire tale designed to frighten young campers.

All of that changed for Todd in the spring of 1993. As a Sergeant in the Army’s 1249th Combat Engineer Battalion, he came face to face with, not one, but three of the elusive giants in the temperate rain forest of Oregon’s Coast Range while conducting high-explosives training. His sighting was independently corroborated by three fellow soldiers who also witnessed these creatures.

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