Sighting Reports

Here you will find a compilation of firsthand reports on Sightings and Encounters with Bigfoot throughout the country.  These reports are by the individuals that had these experiences, they are unedited and in their own words.

We provide them here in hopes that you will gain a better understanding of what they experienced while having the encounter.

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Encounter Details Page:

Date of Encounter: August 10, 1974 Reported By: Matt Day or Night: Day Time Time of Sighting: Distance of the Sighting: 1500 State of the Sighting: Oregon

Description of Bigfoot:

Color: Approximate Height: What was it doing?: Did you get Pictures or Video: No Did you see Footprints: No


Did you hear Vocalizations: No Did you Record the Vocalization: No

Vocalization Video:

Rock Throwing or Other Objects:

Did you witness or hear any Rocks or other Objects thrown?:

Tree/Wood Knocking:

Did you hear Tree/Wood Knocking: No Did you Record the Tree/Wood Knocking: No

Tree/Wood Knocking Video:

Encounter Pictures:

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Encounter Video:

Encounter Description:

Name of nearest TOWN: Lewiston Name of nearest ROAD: Corral Creek Road Weather CONDITIONS: Clear The ENCOUNTER:

August 10, 1974
My cousin Mark, Steve and his younger brother Mike decided to climb the mountain behind the house that day but it was so overcast we decided to go to the gold mine.
After a brief stay at the mine we headed back as we approached the land fill we noticed the fog was lifting so we decided to go for it. It was quite a climb to the peak. Once there we built a monument with rocks. Once complete we all pee’d on it, said some silly things and then headed down. I saw more wildlife on this day than I’d seen all summer.

It was late afternoon when we got back.

I layed on one of the chase loungers in the front yard to drink a beer while the other guys started the grill outback to cook chicken.

It was a beautiful afternoon.

Something caught my attention across the river.

As I looked up I could see this thing about 20-17 feet from a small platou and in about 3 or 4 steps it was standing on it. It stopped, put its hands on its hips and proceeded to observe.
As it’s gaze came across it spotted me and stopped.

I was frozen.
It stared toward me and I stared at it.
The afternoon sun was in front of it.
It was 7 to 8 feet tall.
It was built like a basketball player. Long muscles in arms and legs that could be seen through it’s thin medium redish hair.

The hair on its head was kinda like a hippies in that it was longer and layed over the back of its neck.

We must have stared at one another for about 10 of the slowest seconds I have ever experienced in my life.

It turned around and lumbered down the back side of the ridge and dissapeared.

That was when I knew for sure what it was by the way it walked.

I jumped up screaming and ran inside and got the 7 magnum. (For the scope).
My cousin Mark met met at the door and took the gun from me.

I explained what I saw.
My cousin and Mike didn’t believe me but Steve did.

He said he had a book he would let me read. It described the creature to a t.

I never slept in the barn or on a lounge chair again.

I’m 62 now. I’ve always struggled with should I share the sighting with others or not.

Most don’t care which is fine.
I’m sharing because Bigfoot is apart of this world and the truth does matter.

Thanks for the work you are doing and for providing a means to document my sighting


Help us gather this information, if you or someone you know has had an Encounter, Sighting, heard a Vocalization or Tree Knocking, let us know. We would love to hear from you. Just SUBMIT a Sighting Report with the Information that you have. We want to collect a Database of comprehensive information for analysis and share our findings with you.

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